Recently, president elect Donald Trump has been criticized for upsetting decades old tradition of foreign policy. Receiving a call from the President of Taiwan being the most prominent example. 2setsofrules applies to the media as much as any other organization – maybe more.  When our current president “normalized” relations withContinue Reading

If the notion of “sanctuary cities” is OK for your issue, then it has to be good for the other guys issues. Hence, 2setsofrules. If “sanctuary cities” is OK for illegal immigrants, then it would be OK for right-to-work and abortion also. Right? We can’t have one set of rules for your favorite political issues and a different set of rules for other people’s political issues. Continue Reading

“They can do what?” was my first response when I read the article.   The article says in part “… the Obama administration is going to pore over IRS tax records to identify uninsured young people.”  How is the administration getting this tax information?  You mean to tell me, theContinue Reading

How is it that in all four years that Hillary was Secretary of State and using her own email server, that no other person in Federal government noticed they were receiving email from an account other than a .gov email address?  No one – on the receiving end of aContinue Reading