Here is an article at detailing a letter Senator Ron Johnson sent to the acting director of the FDA that everyone should want to know the answers to.  From the article, the questions are: 1. Why didn’t the FDA grant full licensure for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine that is in useContinue Reading

In an article at on the 6-3 ruling by the Supreme Court against the CDC eviction moratorium, Justice Breyer is quoted as follows: Justice Stephen Breyer argued in a dissent that “it is far from ‘demonstrably’ clear that the CDC lacks the power to issue its modified moratorium order.”Continue Reading

Here is an article from speaking to the adverse effects of the covid jab and its effectiveness. From the article: Death Data Though data has been ineffective in compelling government agencies to stop the vaccine effort, consider these data points on deaths attributed to just the Pfizer vaccine.  The CDCContinue Reading

In an article at, Australian journalist Denham Hitchcock talks about heart inflammation he was diagnosed with after receiving the Pfizer jab. In the home state of 2setsofrules, as is probably going on around the country, the air waves are flooded with radio ads that at one point or another,Continue Reading

In an article from on the recent Biden admin. announcement it states:   On Wednesday, Joe Biden, the virtual president, announced that nursing homes will receive federal money for Medicare and Medicaid expenses only if their employees are vaccinated.   So being pro-choice only applies to killing babies – per theContinue Reading

Here is the article from . So let’s get this straight. Thousands of US citizens are stranded in Afghanistan and Kamala is seeking shelter in Vietnam.  Just about as far away from D.C. that she can get. Nice. What happened to the vaunted Biden-Harris administration ?  Remember all those referencesContinue Reading

As The New York Times recently reported, “scientists who study aerosols, air flow and ventilation say that much of the time, the barriers don’t help and probably give people a false sense of security. And sometimes the barries can make things worse.”Continue Reading

Here is an article from showing the absolute failure of the msm to actually be journalists. If this doesn’t convince you the msm is simply a propaganda arm for the dems/libs/progs, nothing will. This graph from the article says it all:   Here is an amazing statement from theContinue Reading

Here is an article from showing Rashida Tlaib partying with out a mask – in August 2021. Here is another article from showing everyone at Obama’s recent birthday party not wearing masks. SO TELL ME, WHY ARE DEMS SO HELL BENT ON K-12 STUDENTS WEARING MASKS? THE HYPOCRISY IS OVERWHELMING.Continue Reading