Climate change censorship

Here is a great article on climate change from The Daily Signal on how the FB/Twitter/Google – big tech – censors opinions they disagree with.

From the article:

Censorship of the CO2 Coalition and its chairman began a little more than a year ago, when the former president of the American Association of State Climatologists, Patrick Michaels, and the executive director of the CO2 Coalition, Caleb Rossiter, co-authored an op-ed in the Washington Examiner titled “The Great Failure of the Climate Models.” They showed that the mathematical computer models used to promote global warming fears have been, for years, systematically predicting an exaggerated rate of warming in the tropical lower atmosphere—typically by a factor of three.

Climate Feedback, an organization that Facebook uses to “fact-check” climate-related content, labeled their opinion piece “false,” which led the social media giant to block the distribution of the op-ed on its platform.


Google/FB/Twitter/Youtube have a political agenda and will stop at nothing – including censorship – to advance their agenda.