Cubans go home

Talk about an obvious case of 2setsofrules, our soon to be ex-president recently changed the rules for Cuban’s who make it to America; he changed the so called wet foot/dry foot rule. Any Cuban who now makes it to America will be returned to Cuba.

Obama lets every other illegal immigrant into the country – he even supports sanctuary cities for them. Why change the rules for Cubans? Why one set of rules just for Cubans and a different set for everyone else?

(On a tangential note, remember when Trump was criticized for taking a phone call from the president of Taiwan for supposedly going against years of foreign policy precedent?  Well, hasn’t Obama just done the same thing?  Doesn’t this break with decades of precedent?  I don’t see the media carping about Obama – hypocrisy in the media knows no bounds.)

And of course, he makes this change in the waning days of his last term and long after the November election. You mean to tell me he thought of this in late December/2016? I can’t help but ascribe the worst political motivations to his actions.

Welcoming millions of illegals from Mexico but forcing the few lucky Cubans who make it to America back to a country ran by dictatorial thugs who still imprison their political enemies, is the worst example of 2setsofrules.