Discrimination – it shouldn’t be legalized

From the WSJ on June 26, 2020;

We live in strange times, and strange indeed is that, while deploring racism, the Democratic Legislature in California has voted to codify racial discrimination in state law. On Wednesday the state Senate voted for a constitutional amendment, ACA 5, that would reintroduce racial preferences for who gets a state job or contract, or who is admitted to a state university.

The state Assembly previously passed the measure, which means the amendment will be on the November ballot. It would repeal Proposition 209, which voters approved in 1996 and outlawed racial bias in state policy.

Let’s be clear, 2setsofrules is against discrimination. Period.

So to see a state legislature in 2020 pass a law legalizing discrimination is really beyond belief.

2setsofrules is gonna go out on a limb here and say both the US Constitution and the US Supreme Court have both come out against discrimination based on race.

Let’s hope there is a lawsuit challenging ACA 5 and it’s struck down.