Hate crimes the media doesn’t cover

While the msm is obsessed with covering the Jussie Smollett story, which certainly looks like it will turn out to be a hoax, they ignore actual racist attacks that should be categorized as hate crimes.

From the DailyWire:

This isn’t the only story of anti-Semitism in New York. Not by a long shot. Two weeks before that beating, a Jewish man, 19, was “violently assaulted” as he walked past a local laundromat by a group of teenage black males. In December, a 16-year-old Jewish teen spent a week in a hospital after being beaten by two other teens; witnesses said that the teens screamed “Kill the Jew.” The NYPD categorized the attack as “gang related” rather than a hate crime, angering Jews in the area. This weekend, vandals shattered the window of a Chabad in Bushwick as the rabbi and his family slept inside.

Clearly there are two -sets-of-rules when it comes to hate crimes covered by the likes of CNN.  Those that promote their agenda (JS) are breathlessly covered.  While those stories that don’t promote their agenda, such as anti-Semitic attacks, are ignored.