Headline: ‘All’ Republicans are ‘Guilty’ of Capitol Attack and Should be ‘Forced to Shut the Hell Up,’ Louisville Professor Says

From tennesseestar.com, here is an article about University of Louisville professor Ricky Jones who says that all Republicans are guilty of the riot at the Capital and should all just shut up.

Wow !! And you wonder what college students are being taught ?

Isn’t that really a form of racism or at least discrimination?  How can ALL republicans be guilty?

So, can a white professor say the same about all blacks?  What do you think the response would be?

Racism of any kind should not be tolerated.  Period.  But unfortunately there is more than one set of rules in America right now.  Racism by the US government is not only tolerated, but actually planned. Just look at the racism when it comes to college admissions among Asians.