Headline: BLACK LIVES MATTER: Biden Officials Get Vaccine While Black D.C. Seniors Wait

You just simply can’t make this stuff up.

Read this article from frontpagemag.com .

From the article:

 A week into the job, President Biden’s White House medical team has administered the coronavirus vaccine to several hundred staffers — and aims to vaccinate all in-person staff over the next few weeks, officials tell Axios.


Seriously ?!?!?  Hundreds of staffers are all equivalent to medical personnel the elderly and black people in DC?   Do you think anyone at CNN or MSNBC will be reporting on the demographic make up of these staffers?

As the headline implies, black lives matter only in headlines and political speeches.

The best line 2setsofrules has seen in a long time comes at the end of the article:

The part where public officials take a rare commodity to build trust is always the best part.