Headline: Johns Hopkins published then deleted an article questioning the U.S. coronavirus death rate

Here is an article from Just the News talking about how John’s Hopkins first published and then deleted an article questioning the US death rate and the impact covid has had on it.

So once again, if the science doesn’t agree with the messaging, then simply delete the science.

The article, by Genevieve Briand, is available here.

John’s Hopkins claims the article was taken down because it was being used to spread misleading information.

For example, here is a line from the  article:

These data analyses suggest that in contrast to most peoples assumptions, the number of deaths by COVID-19 is not alarming. In fact, it has relatively no effect on deaths in the United States.

And there folks, is the messaging the left simply cannot tolerate.  In order to maintain their draconian lockdown measures, you simply can’t have any statistics that go against the narrative.

But Ms. Briand makes a valid point.  For example, how did the death rate due to heart attack all of-a-sudden go down in 2020 when it had been the number one killer for years?

Here is a graph from the article:


As Ms. Briand points out, the percentage of deaths in the older age categories has not changed over the course of the pandemic.  Her point being, that covid has not seemingly impacted the older generation.  It has only been used to supplant other causes of death.  In other words, the number of deaths should be greater – when covid is added onto the already known significant causes, such as heart attack.

It’s a valid question.  One that should be investigated.  You know, scientifically.  If covid is affecting the older generation, then shouldn’t the total deaths as a percentage be greater?

2setsofrules thinks part of the answer lies in the fact hospitals get more money when the death is covid related.

If the left want’s to be the party of science -which is laughable – then they need to look at all the science. Not just the facts that fit their narrative.

This is just another form of censorship which the left/dems/libs/progressives really seem to embrace.