Headline: Journalist Speaks Out After Being Diagnosed With “Inflammation of the Heart Due to Pfizer Vaccine”

In an article at caldronpool.com, Australian journalist Denham Hitchcock talks about heart inflammation he was diagnosed with after receiving the Pfizer jab.

In the home state of 2setsofrules, as is probably going on around the country, the air waves are flooded with radio ads that at one point or another, after a series of heart wrenching stores about not being ablate hug grandma for the past year, state “the vaccine is safe and doctor approved”.


Think of the TV/radio ads for drugs (legal ones) – all of the fast talking disclaimers at the end.

How many other types of products are advertised where disclaimers are included ?

Doing a quick google search, all of the headlines in the search results on the first two pages of results relative to VAERS data and side effects of the covid jab refer to how the data is being manipulated by conspiracy hacks to make the false claim that the jab is not safe.  2setsofrules does not believe in coincidence – there are zero articles talking about how the VAERS data points to a serious level of side effects from the covid jab?  All the articles are about how it’s a conspiracy theory to think otherwise?  That is manipulation/censorship.

Quick question – what is the truth?  Stories like the one above about Denham Hitchcock are every where. Just because google, FB, Twitter aka Big Tech and the government conspire to censor those stories doesn’t mean side effects are not occurring.

There have been reports that the side effects from the covid jab are greater than all other vainness combined over the past 20 years.  Don’t you think that rational adults deserve the truth and should be allowed to make decisions based on facts?

Now we are seeing that even those who are vaccinated are getting covid.  Were we told up front that the vaccine was not that effective?   In a previous post on the Dallas Cowboys, there is a story on how 50% of the covid cases within the Dallas Cowboys organization are for people who have been vaccinated.  Did big phase know that when the vaccine was touted as the savior for the pandemic? Did the CDC know that?

2setsofrules has an issue in that big tech, the msm and government agencies have shown in the past they can’t be trusted.  Think of how Twitter banned the publishing of the laptop story – WHICH IS TRUE – on Hunter Biden right before the election.  That was clear censorship.  Censorship is everywhere these days.

It would be foolish to believe that censorship does not occur with regard to VAERS data.

An article at thegatewaypundit.com from July 22, 2021 talks about how the CDC quietly deleted 6,000 deaths from the Vaers data.

From the article:

On Wednesday the CDC posted on its own website that there were 12,313 reported deaths from the COVID Vaccine since December.

This number would track with the VAERS website number.

But then a strange thing happened.  After the CDC posted this number they went back hours later and switched it to 6,079 reported deaths in the US from the COVID Vaccine.

Infowars posted video of screengrabs from the CDC website on Wednesday.
The CDC deleted 6,000 vaccine deaths from its website in 6 hours.
What gives?

This is amazing.


Simply put, 2setsofrules does not trust or believe – based on past history and behavior – what the CDC is saying along with the level of censorship going on.  I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but as  the old saying goes, don’t piss on my back and tell me it’s raining.