Headline: Schumer, Who Accused Trump of Russian Collusion, is Getting Paid by Putin

From an article at fronpagemag.com, it turns out that many of  the top dems who falsely accused Trump of colluding with Russia, are in fact doing just that.

From the article:

Why is Schumer putting Russia’s interests ahead of those of the United States by blocking Nord Stream 2 sanctions on Putin’s pet pipeline into Europe?

Schumer, along with a number of other top Democrats, is a beneficiary of campaign contributions from top Democrat fundraiser Vincent Roberti whose lobbying firm was paid over $8.5 million by Nord Stream 2 which is owned by Putin’s state-run Gazprom energy monopoly.

Three years ago, Schumer was clamoring that putting off sanctions on Russia, “is an extreme dereliction of duty by President Trump, who seems more intent on undermining the rule of law of this country than standing up to Putin.” That describes Schumer in a nutshell.

And it’s not just Shumer.  Again, from the article:

“With him, all roads lead to Putin,” Pelosi had ranted. “I don’t know what the Russians have on the president, politically, personally, or financially.”

Roberti plowed $46,100 into Pelosi’s Victory Fund. He also appears to have maxed out his contributions to the House Majority Leader and gave $5,000 to her PAC to the Future.

That’s not too shocking since Pelosi toasted Roberti and his wife at their wedding.

“Trump denial of Russian collusion rotten at core and doomed to unravel,” Senator Richard Blumenthal had tweeted. “Expect more serious convictions and indictments early in 2018 as the Special Counsel climbs the ladder of criminal culpability.”

The serious convictions and indictments, along with the criminal culpability, unraveled.

Meanwhile Roberti maxed out his donations to Blumenthal.

But it’s also the Biden-Harris White House:

But the real lobbying effort to stop the Nord Stream 2 sanctions is coming out of the Biden White House with top associates of the notoriously corrupt politician pushing Senate Dems to let Putin have his pipeline. And that’s after Biden shut down the Keystone XL pipeline for America.

Biden falsely claimed that waiving sanctions on Putin’s pipeline was in “U.S. national interests.”

Roberti is a longtime Biden pal who boasts of having advised him on his 2008 presidential bid and reportedly flew him out to his hometown during the campaign.

Other leading dem pols are also mentioned in the story.


So where is the almighty msm in all of this?  The whole Russia collusion was clearly nothing but a soft coup attempt against a duly elected President.  The fact the msm – a defacto propaganda arm of the dem party – has no interest in this story proves that point.