Headline: The biggest loser of the Durham indictments: James Comey’s FBI

Here is a great article from justthenews.com regarding the ongoing Durham indictments.

The indictments, way too late in the opinion of 2setsofrules (this should have been done during the last election), show the entire Trump-Russia collusion story was the biggest political con job ever.

The media knew it, and because they are just an arm of the dem/lib/prog party,  went along for the ride to support their preferred political party and push their agenda.

From the above article:

For some reason, Comey’s FBI couldn’t detect these serious flaws even though a group of civil lawyers was able to locate several Russians suspected of being Danchenko’s sub-sources, interviewing each of them and securing declarations that the information attributed to them in the dossier was wrong or contrived.


The FBI couldn’t detect the flaws because they didn’t want to.  They knew it was flawed – or else why would Kevin Clinesmith have falsified info in the FISA court application to spy on Carter Page?

Which 2setsofrules has a real problem with.  Clinesmith gets only  6 months of probation ?  Noticeably, the judge that handed down this verdict is the same judge that sat on the FISA court and was lied to by Clinesmith.