Hypocrisy and the Me Too movement

From an article at Just the News regarding the nomination of Neera Tanden  to head the White House OMB:

“After years of fulminating about sexual misconduct allegations levied against President Trump, Tanden’s failure to abide by the most basic tenets of fairness to sexual misconduct accusers constitutes the most rank hypocrisy,” wrote the Washington Examiner’s Tiana Lowe. “As a moral matter, it’s both a failure of leadership and feminism.


Apparently, Ms. Tanden, as head of the liberal Center for American Progress (CAP), outed an employee of CAP who had filed a sexual assault claim against another CAP employee.

So where is the basic tenets of fairness when it comes to Tara Reade ?  She accused Joe Biden of sexual assault.  But you wouldn’t know it from the lack of coverage during the Presidential election of 2020.  No debate moderators asked Biden one question about it.

Watch Ms. Reade’s interview with Megyn Kelly.  You can find it here.  She is a very credible witness. (Unlike Christine Blasey Ford.)

Simple question:  If the Me Too movement is really serious, why are victims like Tara Reade totally ignored?   Isn’t this a failure of feminism?

It’s one set-of-rules if your a dem presidential candidate and another if you are not – such as Brett Kavanaugh.  Or anyone with an R next to their name.