Kamala Harris

From a 2015 article in USA Today on a case when Kamala Harris was the CA attorney general (HT to James Freeman at the WSJ) :

What prosecuting attorney Robert Murray did was produce a translated transcript of the defendant’s interrogation to which he had added a fraudulent confession. The defense attorney got a copy of the audio tape of the interrogation, but it “ended abruptly.” Eventually, Murray admitted to falsifying the transcript, presumably in the hopes of either coercing a plea deal, or ensuring a victory at trial.

When the trial judge found out, charges against the defendant were dismissed. Incredibly, the State of California, via Attorney General Kamala Harris, decided to appeal the case. The state’s key argument: That putting a fake confession in the transcript wasn’t “outrageous” because it didn’t involve physical brutality, like chaining someone to a radiator and beating him with a hose.

Well, no. It just involved an officer of the court knowingly producing a fraudulent document in order to secure an illicit advantage. If Harris really thinks that knowingly producing a fraudulent document to secure an illicit advantage isn’t “outrageous,” then perhaps she slept through her legal ethics courses.


The subtitle of the article reads:

When prosecutors lie and falsify evidence, ‘absolute immunity’ protects them from justice.

The article goes on to say about the prosecutor:

Meanwhile, Murray suffered no actual punishment for his wrongdoing. As a report in the New York Observer notes: “For reasons beyond comprehension, he still works for the District Attorney Lisa Green in Kern County, Calif.”

So the prosecutor lies and falsifies evidence and nothing happens?  (That is the definition of 2 sets-of-rules.)  This same kind of 2setsofrules is what we have seen go on with the DOJ/FBI invesstigation of the Trump campaign.   Wouldn’t you think Kamala would have fired this prosecutor?  2setsofrules agrees with the writer, Kamala must have slept thru her ethics classes.

And to think, Kamala Harris is now the VP candidate.   Amazing.   Behavior like this should be an immediate disqualification for running for the 2nd highest office in the country.