Maxine Waters incites violence and no one cares

From an article in, :

In an interview in the midst of a protest, on Saturday, Waters said “We’re looking for a guilty verdict.”

Waters was asked what protesters should do if Chauvin isn’t found guilty.

“Well, we’ve got to stay on the street, and we’ve got to get more active, we’ve got to get more confrontational,” she answered. “We’ve got to make sure that they know that we mean business.”  (Emphasis added.)

Nancy Pelosi, you know, who brought impeachment charges against Trump for supposedly inciting violence, said:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Monday, “No, I don’t think [Waters] should apologize” for her “more confrontational” statement. Asked whether Waters’ words could incite violence, Pelosi replied, “Absolutely not.”

AND !  Maxine Waters is still on FB !   How can that be ?!?!?  She is inciting violence !!!  Isn’t she violating “Community Standards” ?  Talk about a huge double standard.  FB, Twitter et al are nothing but propaganda arms for the left.