Monopolies and Public schools, again

2setsofrules came across this article and was frankly, shocked.

It immediately brought to mind a previous post about monopolies and public schools.

Project Baltimore analyzed the Baltimore public schools and here is a quote from its findings:

Project Baltimore analyzed 2017 state test scores released this fall. We paged through 16,000 lines of data and uncovered this: Of Baltimore City’s 39 High Schools, 13 had zero students proficient in math.

Fox5 News reported this here.

One third of Baltimore high schools had zero students proficient in math.  How is this not a national crisis?  Who is being held responsible?  Why is the mainstream media not covering this ?

Monopolies are viewed as being bad in all corporate settings; look at the time and money spent by the Federal government trying to prevent them via mergers.  Simple question then,  why are public school monopolies OK?

The results from Project Baltimore clearly show that public school monopolies need to be dismantled.  There needs to be competition – whatever that looks like.  Charter schools, vouchers; something that provides options.  I doubt that Baltimore is unique.

Where is the public outcry?  Why don’t we see the candidates running for President talking about this issue?  (Hint: One word, unions.)

If the reports from schools in Providence and Baltimore don’t convince you that public school monopolies are a bad thing, nothing will.

All the negative qualities associated with corporate monopolies don’t all of a sudden just disappear because it’s a public school monopoly. Providence and Baltimore are evidence of that.