San Francisco politicians and covid – hypocrites part 4

Here is a December 1  article from The San Francisco Chronicle about its mayor dining inside at The French Laundry; the day after Governor Newsom did.

From the article:

The dinner would have certainly violated San Francisco’s health guidelines if it took place in Breed’s own city. San Francisco has issued stricter guidance than the state for several types of businesses, including restaurants, which were not supposed to seat groups larger than six indoors or outdoors unless everyone lived together. Three days after dining at the French Laundry, Breed banned indoor dining in San Francisco altogether.

Seriously ??  Three days later she issues a ban on indoor dining.

From the article:

“I cannot emphasize enough how important it is that everyone act responsibly to reduce the spread of the virus,” Breed said in a statement Nov. 10. “Every San Franciscan needs to do their part so that we can start moving in the right direction again.”

What happened to her acting responsibly?  What about her doing her part ??

So while she is literally ruining people’s livelihoods, she decides it’s OK for herself and friends to eat inside.   And it doesn’t matter the French Laundry is in a different city.  There is no way she simply decided the next day to ban indoor dining in SF.  She knew that was coming.

Whatever happened to leading by example?

The hypocrisy wouldn’t be so bad if peoples lives and business’s weren’t being wrecked by her policies.