Politicians, as usual, are the best source

Recently, Atty General Barr announced he was going to look into potential spying by the DOJ/FBI into the Trump campaign.

Senator Schumer (D-NY), quoted in an article in the DailyWire about Barr’s comments to the US Congress, was quick to the mic and made the following statement:

“AG Barr admitted he had no evidence to support his claim that spying on the Trump campaign ‘did occur,’” Schumer said. “AG Barr must retract his statement immediately or produce specific evidence to back it up. Perpetuating conspiracy theories is beneath the office of the Attorney General.”

Really !!! I mean really ?!?

For over 2 years, all Representative Adam Schiff has been doing is exactly that – making unfounded claims. Two years ago he claimed he had evidence of collusion. Not only has he never produced any evidence (and now he is proven a liar by the Mueller report), not once has he apologized or walked back his statements. The media treats Schiff as if everything his says is gospel.

2setsofrules would point out that hypocrisy for the political class is a never ending well.  If Schumer really believed it (which of course he doesn’t) he would have come out against Rep Schiff a long time ago.

But politicians always play by two sets-of-rules.