Real voter suppression in CA

Here is an article from detailing what can only be called real voter suppression.  The recall effort in CA to recall Gov Newsom has pols and dem operatives gearing up to derail the recall effort.

From the article:

As Edward Ring notes in the California Globe, state Senator Josh Newman sponsored SB 663, which would “provide a mechanism for the target of a recall petition to communicate with constituents who may have signed that petition,” and “provide a meaningful opportunity for voters who may have signed a recall petition to withdraw their signatures.” The Orange County Democrat has strong motivation for the measure

In 2018, as Nick Gerda of Voice of Orange County explains, voters “removed Democratic state Sen. Josh Newman from his north OC-based seat and replaced him with a Republican, eliminating the Democrats’ supermajority control of the state Senate.” The recall effort was spearheaded by Republican students at Cal State Fullerton. The state Democratic Party responded by changing the recall rules and targeting the students with a lawsuit intended to “stop the petition from circulating and halt the recall process.” With Newsom on the line, Democrats are now deploying similar measures.


In other words, dems in CA have attempted to pass a bill that would allow political operatives to contact people who have signed a recall petition.  Can you imagine the depths pols would go to to get people to withdraw their signature?  And you don’t call that voter suppression ?

There are 2setsofrules when it comes to pols – and Rush Limbaugh always stated it correctly – dems are doing whatever they accuse the other party of doing.  Claims of voter suppression in GA are false.  ID is required in hundreds of instances around the country.  But what pols in CA want to do is pure strong arm tactics.

More from the article:

Perata also threatens “further legal remedies,” in the style of the lawsuit against the Fullerton students. For his part, California Democrat Party boss Rusty Hicks branded the recall the “California coup being led by “right-wing conspiracy theorists, white nationalists, anti-vaxxers and groups who encourage violence on our democratic institutions.” 

And there ya go.  See, you must me a white nationalist or right-wing nut if you want to exercise your constitutional right in CA to recall a pol.

As is so typical of the left, when all else fails, use racism.