Tell me again how the covid jab (vaccine) is “safe”

Constantly on the airways are commercials that in one way or another state the covid jab – the covid vaccine- is safe.  NOTHING is ever said about possible side effects.  

Every ad everywhere always has a fast talking individual at the end running through possible side effects.

Why is there not the same disclosure for the covid vaccine?  There are many reports out there – if big tech has not deleted them yet – that there are more adverse reactions to the covid jab than all other vaccines combined over the past 20 years.

Read this story before you decide to get the jab.

From the above article:

One week after receiving a first dose of Pfizer/BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccine, a previously healthy young woman in her 20s presented to the emergency department at Sharp Memorial Hospital in San Diego, complaining she was urinating frequently. Her family was more concerned that she was increasingly anxious, not sleeping well, not mentally acute, and was fixated on the belief that she was suffering from kidney disease and irritable bowels. She had no history of mental illness but was convinced that she had contracted COVID-19 and that her body was “shutting down.” Her family also noticed that she had trouble communicating and seemed to have difficulty with motor control at times. Blood and urine tests taken on this visit were normal, although her heartbeat was fast and her blood pressure was elevated, according to the case reportpublished earlier this month in Frontiers in Neurology. She was sent home.

The following day, the young woman returned to the hospital, this time complaining that she was hearing accusatory voices. A COVID PCR test was negative, but further testing revealed two elevated liver enzymes. Her blood pressure was still up, and her heart was racing, so she was hospitalized. The following morning, she took off all her clothes in her hospital room and defecated on the floor.

Other case reports

Though the researchers describe this as the “first instance of anti-NMDAR encephalitis after receiving the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine,” other case reports of sudden onset psychosis following COVID vaccination are already in the medical literature.

The symptoms began a month earlier after he had received a first dose of mRNA based COVID-19 vaccine, according to the case report from doctors at Stony Brook University and Northport Veteran Administration Medical Center in New York. They had gradually worsened until he was admitted to the hospital’s neurology unit. The following day he was wandering the unit talking to himself, stating that the EEG machine was communicating with him. He was launched onto anti-psychotic medications and his hallucinations and delusions resolved after two days. He was discharged on the medication five days later, and a week later was asymptomatic and back to work.

Another case series describes a 42-year-old man with paranoid delusions that began the day of his Pfizer mRNA vaccine and a previously healthy 57-year-old man who was admitted to a psychiatric emergency unit after attempting suicide three days after receiving Pfizer’s shot. His psychiatric symptoms began on the evening he received the vaccine, when he became irritable, sleepless, and began talking to himself and developed “nihilistic delusions.”


Some reports describe psychosis that ends in suicide.

A 48-year-old Tennessee woman who had a Pfizer shot reported that she had a psychotic episode the same day. “I literally thought I was going to drive myself and my nephew to Heaven… I left the house without a phone and drove all the way to where my vehicle ran out of gas. I was apprehended by the highway patrol and taken to the local hospital.” The woman said that she refused to eat, drink, or sleep because of paranoid thoughts that people were trying to poison her and was hospitalized for two days. She was medicated to sleep and awoke recovered.

“Why didn’t you all have psychosis as a possible side effect?” she asked.

121,559 psychiatric disorders

VigiBase, the World Health Organization’s global database of adverse drug events lists 121,559 reports of psychiatric disorders following administration of any COVID vaccine. These include:

    • 29,661 individuals reporting insomnia
    • 18,377 reports of anxiety
    • 13,904 reports of a “confusional state”
    • 11,447 reports of sleep disorders
    • 6,234 reports of “nervousness”
    • 5,202 people reporting “disorientation”
    • 4,463 reports of “acute stress disorder”
    • 3,682 people who experienced “restlessness”
    • 3,430 people reporting hallucinations
    • 3,405 reports of depression
    • 3,301 reports of “depressed mood”
    • 2,814 “panic attacks”
    • 2,444 people who experienced “poor quality sleep”
    • 1,883 experiences of “delirium”
    • 1,864 people reporting “agitation”
    • 1,752 reports of nightmares
    • 1,507 people who reported having “abnormal dreams”
    • 606 eating disorders
    • 365 cases of “psychotic disorder” or “acute psychosis” or “psychotic behavior”
    • 226 instances of tic disorder



Somehow 2setsofrules gets the feeling these types of stories won’t make it onto MSNBC and the like.   (s/c)   Because the msm is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the dem/lib/prog party.