Tell me again how the covid vaccine is safe – Part 4: Headline : Large British Study Finds Risk of Myocarditis Doubles After Each mRNA Jab

From comes an article detailing the results of a large British study showing significantly higher risks of myocarditis after every vaccine shot.

Here is the link to the study.

From the article:

The findings showed that myocarditis risk doubled after one jab, doubled again after a second jab and doubled yet again after a third booster jab.

Again from the article:

The American Heart Association has released similar studies finding that the overwhelming majority of younger Americans developing myocarditis were injected with an experimental mRNA jab within a month of developing the condition as well as a study finding that “most patients” are at higher risk of heart-related medical issues after an mRNA shot.


And yet, in my home state, I continue to hear radio ads for getting the vaccine and that they are tested and safe.  No mention of significantly increased risk of myocarditis.

You have to ask – and you know the answer based on Twitter banning anyone that questions the liberal/prog/dem/media orthodoxy – WHERE IS THE MEDIA ON THIS ??