Tell me again how the vaccines are safe – Part 7. Headline: Autopsy Confirms 26-Year-Old’s Death From Myocarditis Directly Caused by Pfizer COVID Vaccine

From here is a story of a 26 year old male from South Dakota that died of myocarditis after receiving his booster shot.

From the article:

A 26-year-old South Dakota man who died Nov. 12, 2021, of myocarditis — four days after his booster dose of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine — had no idea he was experiencing a rare and supposedly “mild” heart problem after the shot.

Joseph Keating’s only warning signs were fatigue, muscle soreness and an increased heart rate, family members said. In an exclusive interview with The Defender, Joseph’s father, mother and sister said the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has not investigated Joseph’s death,. (sic)

The CDC also did not contact the pathologist who performed the autopsy or request the documents which confirmed Joseph’s death was caused by the Pfizer vaccine. According to the autopsy report and certificate of death, Joseph died from severe heart damage from “myocarditis in the left ventricle due to the recent Pfizer COVID-19 booster vaccine.”


So wouldn’t you think the CDC would want to know the facts?  Maybe “the science” behind the death of this poor young man?

From the beginning 2setsofrules has wondered why it has not been required for all medical facilities, doctors and staff to report such adverse reactions to VAERS.

There are rules for EVERYTHING out there – but somehow making a rule to report adverse reactions is just one rule too far?

And naturally, from the msm, crickets.

But hey, let’s keep pushing mandates and sending some poor souls to a certain death.  Good idea.