Where did the Russian interference go?

Now that Biden has apparently won, where did all the Russian election interference go?

I guess it has just magically disappeared since the preferred candidate won.

Where is the constant drum beat by the msm that the American election process was corrupted? Where is Adam Schiff on MSNBC and CNN every day claiming the Russians interfered with the election and Biden must be investigated?

Not a word.  Nothing.  It’s just not there.

No breathless reports by Big Tech CEOs that their platforms were manipulated by foreign actors and something must be done.

It’s simply amazing what one day – Nov 3 – can make.

Those darn Ruskies knew they better not interfere with Biden on the ticket.

Now that a dem has won, the msm (which is the democrat party) and the democratic party can put the “Russian Interference” tool back in their tool bag until it’s needed in another election.